Do you want to dissolve the stress that you create for yourself on a daily basis? Once you begin to do so, you will have moments of great happiness. This self-knowledge will be one of the greatest gifts you give yourself over the course of your life.

What you might want to do is, start out by working with one or two of the exercises I present here for a week or more. Then have a private session with me to help refine your understanding and deepen your experience of feeling calm and competent. This is the path that many people have already taken and found deep satisfaction with. You can start now if you are ready, by going to this page on my site and begin your journey of managing your stress-

“Stress management” is all about learning more about yourself- Learning how to slow down and change your habits and patterns of thinking. When you change the way you think, you will change the way you feel. Excessive thinking leads to an experience of stress, and this is quite literally so. Take part in these exercises and little by little over time, you will definitely notice yourself thinking less and feeling happier and more at ease.

 I have spent many years studying various subjects related to Stress Management. Meditation, Aikido, NLP, Self-hypnosis, and various breathing practices. Take an active role in what I present here and you can benefit from my years of study and practice. You will get to “stand on my shoulders” and simplify your learning.

I can be your guide, and you can benefit from my more than 50 years of practice!

Would you like to know more? Contact me here and we can have a complimentary conversation, that will help you to move forward with greater clarity and calmness.

Go to this page on my site and begin your journey of managing your stress-